Transformation of the model of open innovation in the digital space

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Transformation of the model of open innovation in the digital space

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Title: Transformation of the model of open innovation in the digital space
Author: Pushkar, Tetiana; Parkhomenko, Viktoriia; Zhovtiak, Hanna; Sobolieva, Hanna
Abstract: Pushkar T., Parkhomenko V., Sobolieva H., Zhovtiak H. Transformation of the model of open innovation in the digital space. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Public Economics and Administration 2021. Ostrava, 2021. P. 364-374.
Description: The formation of the information society, which has been active in recent decades, actively promotes the transformation of the pattern of open innovation from the latest model of innovation, based on choosing an effective business model of innovation, to define it as a priority concept of innovation at the national level. The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the development of the information society and the formation of the concept of open innovation under the influence of the global information environment. The object is the specificities of the manifestation of the model of open innovation in the global information environment and the opportunities for its implementation that provide the processes of digital transformation. To identify the manifestation of these processes, a comparative analysis of the positions of national economies of Ukraine and the Czech Republic on the basis of rating indicators that reflect key aspects of information society development: global competitiveness, economic freedom, network readiness, e-government development. Consideration of manifesting the main trends in the information society allowed us to determine that under their influence, the concept of open innovation becomes a priority in innovation. Openness of information, its mobility and accessibility, the need to implement complex innovation programs increases the importance of scientific and innovative cooperation based on the implementation at the national and global level of cloud open science and open innovation information space, development of smart specializations, active knowledge and technology transfer, openness and availability of scientific information.
Date: 2021

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