The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the green transition and the energy crisis: Ukrainian scenario of circular economy development

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The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the green transition and the energy crisis: Ukrainian scenario of circular economy development

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Title: The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the green transition and the energy crisis: Ukrainian scenario of circular economy development
Author: Reznikova, N.; Ivashchenko, O.; Zvarych, I.; Zvarych, R.
Abstract: Reznikova N., Zvarych I., Zvarych R., Ivashchenko O. The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the green transition and the energy crisis: Ukrainian scenar. STATISTICS IN TRANSITION new series and STATISTICS OF UKRAINE. 2022. Vol. 23, №5. P. 185-202. URL:
Description: The aim of the article is to minimise the impact of the energy crisis on the environment as one of the ways of getting rid of carbon footprints resulting from the growth of the russian energy and building a circular sustainable ecosystem in Ukraine. Therefore, the study proposes a classification of green inflation and singles out the following forms of its manifestation: 1) as a reaction to irresponsible management; 2) as a reaction to an attempt to implement large-scale projects aimed at decarbonisation within strict time limits; 3) as a reaction to the strengthening of business standards, which the end consumer will have to pay for. The paper determines the impact that the war has on the practice of applying resource nationalism associated with a wide variety of modern global problems. Discussions focus particularly on the following topics: the ‘resource curse’, the growing concern of the OECD countries. The paper identifies the dominant diversification tendencies in the EU in terms of the circularity of the economy. The proposed concept of a global inclusive circular economy can be considered as a complex multidimensional system, whose main components are based on the economic, sociological, environmental and circular aspects of life.
Date: 2022

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