Подано статистичний аналіз поширення електричних автомобілів в Україні та належної інфраструктури для їх експлуатації Результати дослідження дозволяють не лише оцінити масштаби та динаміку
розвитку електромобільного ринку в Україні, а і виявити умови, що стримують його розширення, та запропонувати напрями подальшого запровадження екологічного транспорту. UN Sustainable Development Goals contain an ecological component: stabilizing atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse gases and finding alternative sources of energy The introduction of electric cars
will help solve both problems simultaneously
The analysis of the current world trends in the cars market shows the steady growth of consumer preferences
for electric cars and the rapid reaction of the world’s automakers According to forecasts provided by Bloomberg
New Energy Finance, it is expected that in 2040, more than half (54%) of world car sales will come from electric
vehicles The spread of this type of ecological vehicles associated with the decision on technical, organizational
and legal nature create an infrastructure of electric charging stations
The article proposed analyzes the dynamics of prevalence of electric vehicles and development of services
of electric charging stations in Ukraine In the car market electric cars Ukraine appeared recently, since 2012
(the first 10 units), but during the next 5 years, the number of registered annually increased by 37 5 times and
as of 01 01 2018 already numbered 5688 cars The rapid increase in the number of registered electric vehicles
started from 2016, when the import duty on electric cars was canceled at the legislative level The number of
registered electric cars in Ukraine increased by 11 times in 2016–2017 During these two years the share of
electric cars in total sales doubled and reached 4 6% in 2017 Today the coverage of the territory of Ukraine by electric charging stations is about 20% However, the rate of expansion of the number of electric charging
stations even for one 2017 year are impressive, namely, the fourfold increase
Expansion of the Ukrainian market of electric cars is constrained by the unregulated status of electric
charging stations, as well as services related to servicing and operation of electric vehicles First of all, the issue
of classification of the activity of providing services for charging the battery of electric cars should be solved It
is possible to resolve the issue, if one distinguishes a separate activity in one of the Classification of Economic
Activities (CEA) sections
The current version of the Classification of Economic Activities contains an activity related exclusively to
vehicle maintenance (section G, division 45, group 2), which does not include service for charging a car battery
The solution of the issue is the introduction of a new type of activity: “Services for charging batteries” As a
result it will allow creating favorable conditions for the development of the market for servicing and operation
of electric vehicles |