bank capital, authorized capital, the bank retained earnings, reserves, unused reserves, other funds
bank, banking system, economic subjects, financial intermediary, banking institution, entity, bank capital
budget control
budget expenditures
budget expenditures, budget classification, budget, budget funds, budget financing
budget expenditures, state budget, local budgets, consolidated budget, structure of budget expenditures, types of economic activities
budget management
budget management, budget, state regulation, public finances, budgetary funds, public regulation
budget management, reactive mechanism of budget management, State regulation in budget sphere, proactive management of budget funds, proactive budget, proactive mechanism of budget management
budget policy, local budgets’ incomes, decentralization, interbudgets relations, transfers
budget revenues
budget revenues, the State administration, budget system, administration bodies, budgetary funds
budget security
budget system
budget, budget management, revenue and expenditure budgets, local governments, financial resources, budgets, public authorities
budget, e-government, budget funds, government, budget sphere, e-budget
budget, finance, control, financial management, budgetary control, budgetary control types
budget, financial resources, planning, financial management, budgeting, public authorities
budget, management system, local self-governing bodies, financial resources, financial independence