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Будь ласка, використовуйте цей ідентифікатор, щоб цитувати або посилатися на цей матеріал:

Назва: Development of Accounting and Auditing in EU Countries: Comparative Aspect
Автори: Nazarova, Halyna
Yurchenko, Oleksandr
Shepel, Inesa
Tkal, Yarmila
Yaremko, Ihor
Ключові слова: accounting
accounting forms
audit activity
and auditing standards
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавець: Economic Affairs
Короткий огляд (реферат): Nazarova H., Yurchenko O., Shepel I., Tkal Y., Yaremko I. Development of Accounting and Auditing in EU Countries: Comparative Aspect. Economic Affairs. 2023. Vol. 68, No. 01s. P. 329-334.
Опис: The current state of development of the international economy is characterized by the spread of the influence of globalization factors that lead to the expansion of economic ties between countries and the need for unification and standardization of mechanisms for managing economic activity. Under such circumstances, the problem of implementing the provisions of European legislation on harmonization programs in the field of accounting and auditing and determining their features in the European Union is becoming more relevant. The article aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles of studying the features of accounting and auditing in the European Union. The methodological basis of the study consists of general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis and scientific knowledge, namely: system analysis, scientific abstraction, synthesis, comparison, analogy, grouping, comparative analysis, graphical, tabular, generalization, and systematization. The study results give grounds to assert that there are standard and distinctive features of accounting and auditing in the EU member states. It has been established that accounting in this group of countries is standardized and regulated by International Accounting Standards. Financial statements are prepared under the provisions and requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards, and auditing is carried out based on International Standards on Auditing. The importance of strengthening the quality of accounting and auditing services in the European Union, the basic requirements for which are legally enshrined in all countries except Denmark, Spain, Malta, and Slovakia, has been revealed.
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