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Назва: Service component of innovation infrastructure impact assessment: a regional example
Автори: Omelianenko, Olena
Yurchenko, Oleksandr
Ключові слова: innovation development
technology transfer
regional economy
Дата публікації: 2022
Короткий огляд (реферат): Omelianenko O., YurchenkoO. Service component of innovation infrastructure impact assessment: a regional example. Three Seas Economic Journal. 2022. 1(3) 2022. P. 133-139.
Опис: Changes in the world economy and the crisis of 2020 have aggravated the problem of structural stability of the economy and economic security. Under these conditions, the demand for services in the creative economy will grow dynamically, as the most valuable goods are ideas, imagination and creativity. The aim of the article is to consider the impact of the service component on innovative development at the regional level. Methodology. For the purposes of the study, the main types of services provided by the most common institutional forms of innovation infrastructure are summarized. Classification by the criterion of the type of services is useful for monitoring the provision of the innovation system with different elements of innovation infrastructure. Services are considered in the applied context of assessing the effectiveness of innovation policy at the regional level. On the basis of analysis of world practice of innovation policy the spheres of financial and economic stimulation of innovation activity within which the corresponding service component can be considered are determined. Results. Within the framework of alternative approaches to neoclassical economics, based on evolutionary economics and Schumpeterian economics, the authors argue for services as an important component of a proactive industrial policy that can address these failures and is based on the institution of mentoring, small business service provision, development of technology parks and much more. The main types of services provided by the most common institutional forms of innovation infrastructure are summarized. Classification of services is based on the criterion of the type of services, useful for monitoring the provision of the innovation system with various elements of innovation infrastructure. Services were considered in the applied context of assessing the effectiveness of innovation policy at the regional level. Practical implications. On the basis of analysis of the world practice of innovation policy the spheres of financial and economic stimulation of innovation activity, within which the corresponding service component was considered, were determined. Value/originality. Longitudinal data and relevant calculations provide a better understanding of the impact of innovation infrastructure services on the main economic indicators of regional development.
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