
Інституційний репозитарій Державного вищого навчального закладу "Національної Академії Статистики, Обліку та Аудиту"

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Назва: Associative Field of a Word as a Multilingual Structure (Based on the Mass Associative Experiment with Ukrainian Social and Political Lexis)
Автори: Загородня, Ольга Феліксівна
Недашківська, Тетяна Євгенівна
Ключові слова: linguistic worldview, on-line associative service STIMULUS, stimulus, reaction, core,language structure
Дата публікації: 24-бер-2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): Zahorodnia O. F., Nedashkivska T. Ye. Associative Field of a Word as a Multilingual Structure (Based on the Mass Associative Experiment with Ukrainian Social and Political Lexis). Вісник Житомирського державного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки. Вип. 3 (91). Вид-во ЖДУ ім. І. Франка. Житомир, 2019. С. 109 – 117.
Опис: The article deals with the analysis of the associative fields of the Ukrainian social and politicallexis in the aspect of the language of the reactions. It is written on the basis of the mass freeassociative experiment conducted with Ukrainian respondents aged 18 - 22. The experiment wasorganized in Ukraine in 2013-2016. It involved more than 1000 respondents living in 12 regionsof Ukraine (eastern, western, southern and northern parts of the country); the stimuli listcontained 100 lexical units. More than 33 000 reactions were analyzed ivith the help of thespecial computer programme STIMULUS, which is now developed in the first Ukrainian on-lineassociative tool STIMULUS. The results proved that associative fields are not monolingual, butmultilingual structures. The associative fields of the Ukrainian social and political lexis includethe reactions in Ukrainian (major part, 80 % at an average), Russian (4 % - 8 %), English (1 % -2 %), other languages (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Italian; less than 0,5 %), symbols (1 % - 2 %)and refusing to respond (3 % - 41 %). There were cases of sudden Ukrainian reactions made bythe Russian-speaking Ukrainians on the stimuli прапор "flag", незалежність "independence",національність "nationality", єдність "unity" while other reactions were Russian. The reactionsin terms of their language are influenced by the respondents' mother tongue, governmentlanguage policy, political situation, politics, intercultural communication. The perception of theword semantics may precede the perception of the word language. The perspective of theresearch is to study the lexis of other thematic groups in the aspect of the language of thereactions.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу):
ISSN: 2663-7642
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