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Статистика України >
2020 >
№4 >

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Назва: A Statistical Assessment of Healthy Life Expectancy in the Regions of the Republic of Belarus
Автори: Kulak, A. G.
Ключові слова: social sub-potential
population health
self-assessment of health
Sustainable Development Goals
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавець: NASAA
Короткий огляд (реферат): Kulak, A. G. (2020). Statisticheskaya otsenka ozhidayemoi prodolzhitelnosti zdorovoi zhizni v regionakh Respubliki Belarus [Statistical Assessment of Healthy Life Expectancy in the Regions of the Republic of Belarus]. Statystyka Ukrainy – Statistics of Ukraine, 4, 72–80. Doi: 10.31767/su.4(91)2020.04.08.
Опис: The cumulative potential of the sustainable innovation-driven development of the regions of the Republic of Belarus is proposed to be estimated by measuring individual sub-potentials (social, demographic, environmental-economic, investment) and subsequent modeling of the aggregate characteristics for each of the regions. It is argued that the health of the population is an important component of the social sub-potential and the necessary condition for the development of all other sub-potentials. Statistical assessment of health within the framework of the system of indicators of innovation-driven sustainable development of regions is proposed to be carried out using core indicators such as life potential and healthy life expectancy of the population. The article is devoted to a study of health in the regions of Belarus on the basis of healthy life expectancy (HLE), which reflects the average number of years lived by the population, taking into account their health status (as a rule, measured on the basis of representative surveys). That is, it is life expectancy estimated with account to the quality of the years lived. It allows to estimate the loss in life expectancy due to the deteriorating health. The article provides a statistical assessment and analysis of HLE dynamics for the population of Belarus at birth (and for specific ages) for 2005-2018. HLE in Belarusian regions are analyzed using Sallivan’s method. The healthy life expectancy of Belarusians at birth in 2018 was 68.09 years and increased by more than 10% (or 6.49 years) compared to 2005, with an increase occurred in each of the studied ages. It was revealed that although Belarusian women lived longer, they tended to give a lower life quality assessment than men (due to “poor” health). The gap between HLEs of men and women in 2018 was 6.78 years: women’s healthy life expectancy was 71.38 years, men’s – 64.60 years. At the same time, the loss in life expectancy resulting from poor health was 4.64 years for men and 7.98 years for women. Brest region and Minsk were the leaders in terms of HLE (both in 2015 and in 2018), Vitebsk and Minsk regions were among the outsiders in 2015 and Mogilev and Minsk regions – in 2018. At the next phase, the estimated indicators, together with the indicator of life potential of the regions, will be used as the basis for assessing the population’s health as part of the social subpotential of the country regions.
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