
Institutional Repository of the State Higher Educational Institution "National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing"

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Welcome to the institutional repository "National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing," which collects, stores, distributes and provides long-term, continuous and reliable access to research work of the faculty, staff and students of the Academy.

For more information please refer to the library (тел. 486-06-08) or on email address: biblio@nasoa.edu.ua.



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Збірники наукових праць НАСОА [196]
Матеріали конференцій НАСОА [2788]
Нормативно-правові документи [15]
Періодичні видання НАСОА [1463]
Спеціалізовані вчені ради [104]
Факультети [1955]


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